Committed to Our Schools Through COVID-19
With social distancing still in effect and large crowds discouraged holding your Reality Town event in the spring as a fun year end activity might be something that you would want to consider for this school year. Hopefully, we will be a little more normal by then, but who knows!
If that will not work and you still would like to have your students participate in a Reality Town event this fall we are offering power point presentations that walk students through the Reality Town activity as a group or individually on the computer using their student handbook. These presentations come as a PowerPoint or as a PDF.
We are offering the Flash Drive with these presentations to schools that have the Reality Town kit and license for $35.00 which includes shipping. Read more in our Newsletter for ideas for using these presentations.
As always, we are here to help you navigate your Reality Town event this year. We wish you well!
Sincerely- Reality Town