Reality Town

Instructions for using the On-Line Job Application feature

Save time by letting your students send us their job requests online!!!

  1. Notify R.E.A.L. Curriculum, either by phone or email that your students will be applying online. Don’t forget to include your school name & date of your Reality Town.
  2. Book your computer lab
    • There is a PDF Job Application that students can fill out before doing the On-Line Career Form. The PDF Job Application is found on our website under Resources. Have students go to to fill out the Job Application PDF. They need to do a Save As and rename it or print the document when done
  3. In the computer lab have the students download the Job Application and fill it out on the computer. (You may want to have them print their Job Application PDF so that they have a hardcopy.) This step is not required to do the online application, but is good practice for students in completing a job application.
  4. Using their occupation selections have students go to the “Online Submit” button on the Resource page to complete the Career Form.
  5. Email a list of the students that will be participating in your Reality Town. (Format: Excel Spreadsheet (preferred), PDF, or Word document.)
  6. Notify R.E.A.L. Curriculum when your students have completed the On-Line Application process.
  7. R.E.A.L .Curriculum will compile and cross-reference your student’s application data with your submitted student list.
  8. R.E.A.L.Curriculumwillthensendyoualistofmissingstudentsandanyotherthingsthat need to be verified or corrected. (Typically completed within 48 hours of notification that your students are done with the On-Line Application process. Please watch for a subsequent email with your school’s report.)
  9. Make corrections to the emailed file, and email back to
    Your Student Handbooks with Personalized Pay Stubs will be printed and shipped within 2 weeks of us receiving your verified list. It is recommended that you include a few blank paystubs/handbooks for new students. These pay stubs contain job, tax, family information, etc., they are only missing a student name.
  10. Please allow at least 3 weeks for the complete process.

Phone 801-824-REAL (7325)  email 

801-824-REAL (7325) |